Saturday, February 27, 2010

Shining Stars - Therapeutic Riding Ministry.

Honestly, I was really scared, frustrated, and disappointed when I realized who are guest was in class on Tuesday, February 23. I hate horses. Okay, I understand that hate is a strong word, but I really don't like them. However, as Brandy Grago began talking about her Therapeutic Riding Ministry, I became captivated and amazed by all the amazing ways God is using her and the ministry. It was actually very comical and comforting for me when she mentioned a man from her church who won't go anywhere near the horses, but helps with the ministry, also the fact that she was accepting of him, even though he dislikes horses was comforting. God gave brandy a gift, riding and taking care of horses, then He came into her life and gave her a vision. Though the vision was vague, and seemed like a huge feat for her, she accepted the call and was obedient to God! Brandy has been blessed with so many gifts, along with being a woman of God, she is an entrepreneur. The ministry is called Shining Stars - therapeutic Riding Ministry, they meet at Freedom Valley Worship Center in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The Ministry is non-profit and they do what they can to help out as many people as possible, all staff are volunteers! They raise funds by networking in the community and in the horse community. Funds are always tight especially with their planning to build an indoor facility to be able to serve in all seasons. Therapeutic riding is for disabled people of all ages. Research shows that the stimulation of the movement of the horse is healthy for them and helps that grow in advance in many areas! Shining Stars now serves 95 students! It is important to reach the disabled people. 95% of disabled people are unchurched, this is a way to reach them!

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