Friday, March 12, 2010

The Network of Hope

I have been blessed throughout my life with the friendship of Deana Leone. A close family friend from church, Deana is the Executive Director of the Network of Hope. Started in 2002 by Pastor Jeff Leake and Allison Park Church, The Network of Hope is an intra-church, community, non-profit organization reaching the city of Pittsburgh. Though started in 2002 and made known by their great assistance in the floods of 2005, NOH has grown, changed, and shaped into the organization that it is today. NOH is an intra-church foundation because they do not function individually. NOH currently partners with eight churches across Pittsburgh to reach their communities. By this I mean, NOH is not free standing, nor do they desire to be. The effectiveness of their ministry has been brought about by their desire to help churches reach out to the specific needs of their community in as many ways as possible. Primary hardships that NOH is actively bringing assistance to include addiction, low income, hunger and food insecurity, and lack of childcare. They are meeting these needs through, recovery groups and recovery homes, practical helps, food banks, and youth enrichment. NOH works to find solutions for problems and needs of the people in the community. Each of the eight churches partnering with NOH has a site director, someone who attends the church and is not on paid staff with NOH, but employed by their church. They like to consider all of their dedicated employees staff, not just the few paid ones. On the board of NOH there is the executive director, pastors, bankers, accountants, consultants, a lawyer, and a licensed counselor. NOH is a 501(c)3 and an approved member of United Way. They are also funded by tax-deductable donations, churches, businesses, fundraising events, grants, and gifts in kind. The churches often individually raise funds for events or ministries specific to their community. NOH is powered by dedicated volunteers, over 500 a year! Site coordinators for church partners are selected both by leaders of the church and by NOH, these leaders then go through a training for their position. The goal of the Network of Hope is to promote lasting change. Their website is full of great information and media, so please visit

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