Friday, April 30, 2010

Community Evaluation - Beaver Falls, PA

I surveyed Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania - Home of Geneva (Bible) College. Beaver Falls is an outskirt of Pittsburgh, right off of the Ohio river it is about 40 minutes North-West from Downtown, Pittsburgh and just 15 minutes East from the boarder of Ohio. This Community once rich with history, once filled with jobs, factories, communities, and wholesome families is not all of what it used to be. Although still a decent community and not too crime ridden, the poverty, unemployment, housing projects, low-income families and housing, and poor education are increasing. However, Geneva College is a light in the community offering great students studying ministry, education, business, human services and more to come into the hospitals, schools, after-school programs, community centers, clinics and more to help out! My sister graduated from Geneva with a double major in student ministries and human services and her husband graduated with a degree in the same field. Throughout her time at Geneva, Emily was able to volunteer/intern at after-school programs and an adoption center.
I surveyed students who have been living in Beaver Falls for a year or more and here is what I learned. The students nominated Beaver Mental Health Association as a great charitable/non-profit. As far as recreation, the students said that the popular things to do are go to the basketball courts or take a walk (obviously not doing much to keep the youth entertained and out of trouble). Beaver Falls Coffee and Tea (BFCAT) and Ignite were chosen as the businesses that give back. These businesses work closely with Geneva Students. The best non-profits are "Tiger Pause" (an after-school program) and "Habitat For Humanity." BFCAT was nominated as the best coffee shop as well and as a place to hang out. The top ten pressures that pose the biggest challenge in their community are:
-resources for low-income families
-sense of commuity
-teen resources
-single parent resources
-cultural tolerance (not just race either)
-financial pressure
-substance abuse
Students mentioned that resources such as an affordable grocery store would be very helpful. There is a Walmart in the next town over but it is pricey and not within walking distance.
"I am concerned about what is going to happen in the future with all the lower income families who are losing jobs with the economy in our area sucking." - Geneva Student

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