Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jason Lamer and Youth Alive

Jason's heart and passion for youth was sparked at a young age. People were impressed with his youth and their passion to worship. Jason began to recognize that God has big plans for him in Youth Ministry. Jason now heads up Youth Alive in the Penndel district of the Assemblies of God and brings teams and assemblies into public schools to reach the kids for Christ. The team goes and does the 7 project. The idea is that the seventh step is accepting Christ. The team brings basketball stunts and skate shows to catch the attention of the youth. The performers share their testimonies and the school assemblies are based on 'doing the right thing.' The school assembly is followed up by inviting all the youth to an evening event where they can present the gospel. The different ministries of Youth alive are:
1. Prayer (prayer zone partners)
2. Campus ministries - raise up students that are challenged and resourced to share their faith.
3. Campus clubs
4. seven project - school assembly
Jason gave us steps/advice for preparing a youth outreaches:
1. Network/ identify the team.
2. Serve/ identify the need(s).
3. Disciple/ identify the teens.
4. Plan/ identify the how to.
5. Evangelize/ identify the opportunities.
6. Resource/ identify the helps.
7. Grow/ identify the person (You).

The idea behind 7.0 is a 7.0 earthquake. Your ministry, your effort, how far does it reach and how long does it last?

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